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Tennessee – Mississippi – Alabama – Tennessee – Georgia – Tennessee


The route from Memphis, TN to Chattanooga, TN includes being on a road for over 100 miles that takes you through Tennessee to Mississippi to Alabama back to Tennessee then thru Georgia and finally, back to Tennessee again. That was my route after driving Jeannine to the airport. My third Airbnb in Chattanooga was the best! It was tiny but it had a deck and a beautiful view. (take a look at it up on that hill!) Going out for walks from this place was interesting however. Walking downhill to the Walnut Street Bridge was nice … but the uphills on the return were kind of crazy.

My last site seeing excursion in Chattanooga was going to Signal Mountain. The W road to get there was not easy, but worth it!

Chattanooga is definitely a place I will return to in the future. When I first arrived in Tennessee, I wrote in my blog about it being … “My first week truly on my own. …the first stop on my trip to a new place where I know NO ONE.” Well, I can’t say that anymore. I met some wonderful people in Tennessee and realized something very important - on this journey there will be times when I will share a brief conversation or an experience with new people and I’ll remember them in my writing … there will also be people who I will get to know fairly well and it will be difficult to say good-bye. I will meet people that will touch my heart and become dear friends. People that will let me in to their lives, who share who they are and the struggles they face. The good news is I know I am someone who is good at keeping up friendships long distance. But there is a chance that no matter how good I am at it, I may never see some of the people I meet again. It’s been something that has been on my mind this last week; something I have to learn how to embrace because I’m sure I will meet many wonderful people along the way. I am grateful for these experiences and very grateful that first time I was “on my own”, I wasn’t.


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