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That's the Chattanooga Choo Choo


Just a quick check in about the rest of my time in Chattanooga …

In my second week in Chattanooga the site seeing continued at the Chattanooga Choo Choo. The train doesn’t run anymore and the station has been converted into a hotel. There are even train cars that were converted into rooms. Wish I could have worked it out to stay in one but it didn’t happen. I guess I’ll have to go back. My last night there I ate at the Tremont Tavern … a couple of different people I met mentioned the burgers there so I had to try it out. It was packed when I got there but I was able to grab a table – I looked up and hanging from the wall above the door was The Captain! (see the picture)

The weather changed drastically my second week there … week one there were days when it was up to 80 degrees. The second week it didn’t get above 50. My plan was to stay until Saturday (3/12) but the forecast was for snow and ice late Friday night so I decided to make my way to Nashville a day early. As I drove to Nashville the temperature dropped 30 degrees in two hours. The snow started just as I arrived in Nashville. The weather has been crazy here … Saturday night it went down to 17 but by mid-day Sunday it was up to 60! Crazy.

Up next … Nashville, TN! So much to see and do here! I may have underestimated the time needed to see it all!


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