
Why the Big Adventure?
I’ve been talking about this for months … So here I go … a year, more than a year, not quite a year – I have no idea. I’ll do it until I’m sick of it or until I find a place I absolutely cannot leave.
Since I was in my 20’s I've flown back and forth to Italy somewhere north of 30 times. I visited as many different cities in Europe that I could and loved every minute of it. I’ve realized that I am happiest when I’m planning my next trip. The benefit of working from home means I can be wherever I want to be…why stay put? So, now it’s time for me to see our beautiful country.
Well, yeah – I will miss my family and my wonderful friends that are spread across the tristate area. But – if there is one thing I have always been good at, it’s keeping in touch with my people, no matter how far we are. So here I go. I wrote a list of all the places I want to see across this country. I am getting in my Jeep and hitting the road! Starting in February, 2022 I’m on my way! I know what you’re wondering … what about the Yankees? Don’t worry – I will be home for a week a month from April to September to see ballgames. Which means, if you’re in the tri-state area and want to join me at game to catch up, let me know.
My itinerary? I don’t have one … this project manager will follow the Agile Methodology. I’ll go where it makes sense to go next … or where the wind moves me.
So if you’re in or near one of the places on my Travel Bucket List, let me know. I’d love to see you! Or, if you’ve been there, done that – I’d love to hear your suggestions on what to do or where to eat while there (reminder: I'm still a very picky eater!).